Our Instructors

Sensei Andy Barber 7th Dan

Founder and Head Instructor

1981 – 1987: Studied Takemusu Iwama Aikido under Sensei Paul McGlone (6th Dan)

1985: Joined the Lincoln Hall dojo to study goju ryu karate under Sensei Ernie Molyneux (8th Dan)

1991: Graded to shodan (1st Dan black belt)

1993: Graded to nidan (2nd Dan)

1994:  Founded Parkstone Karate

1998:  Graded to sandan (3rd Dan)

2003: Graded to yondan (4th Dan)

2009:  Graded to godan (5th Dan)

2024: Graded to nanadan (7th Dan)


“Training and teaching traditional karate has not only given me the self confidence, fitness and determination to progress my martial arts skills , but also guided me to be the best I can, in my career and personal life.”

Sensei Megan Barber 3rd Dan

Instructor and School Administrator

2004: Joined Parkstone Karate

2009:  Graded to shodan (1st Dan black belt)

2011: Graded to nidan (2nd Dan)

2013: Became an assistant instructor

2016: Graded to Sandan (3rd Dan)

2022: Became an instructor and safeguarding lead at the dojo